Under the requirements laid out in Working Together to Safeguard Children we request an updated list of key contacts for every setting. This enables effective communication and information sharing between education settings and the local authority in order to promote the safety and welfare of children in Bristol.
This question requires an answer
1. Name of setting/organisation *
This question requires an answer
2. Type of provision (please tick all that apply) *
This question requires an answer
3. Size of setting *
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
6. Name and position of colleague in charge *
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
8. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) *
This question requires an answer
9. Email address of Designated Safeguarding Lead *
This question requires an answer
10. Mailing list consent *
11. Are you affiliated with another organisation? (Eg. National charity/National organisation/diocese).
If yes, please specify.
12. Do you provide services to any other local organisations? (eg. schools)
13. Are you registered with and/or regulated by:
14. Is your setting overseen by any safeguarding governance? If so, please provide details below.
What Safeguarding support would you like from the Local Authority?