1. Express PrEP Clinic

We are making it easier for people to obtain PrEP.  If you are already getting PrEP from the Menai Unit, you have the option of completing a simple form and attending clinic for your regular tests and to collect PrEP.

Should you choose to continue, you will be asked a few questions online to assess if taking PrEP is still right for you.  A clinician will then review your completed self-assessment and we will then contact you (usually within 1 week) with advice on what to do next. This is usually, but not necessarily, an appointment with a Health Care Support Worker for the appropriate tests and collection of PrEP.

Please note: we will be unable to review any symptoms or treat any infections during an Express PrEP appointment. If you have symptoms, need treatment for an infection, are due a vaccination or want to speak to a doctor or nurse in person please book for a face-to-face appointment in the regular clinic, where we can also top up your PrEP.

This service is only suitable for people who already attend the Menai Unit for PrEP.

Please tick the box to indicate that you have read and understood the above, that you have read our Privacy Policy, and that we may contact you on the number provided via call, SMS or leave a voicemail if necessary *

Clinic contact details
Phone number - 03000 850074


1. Clinic Number *

Please answer the questions below

Medical History

2. Do you have any new medical conditions or diagnoses (including any kidney problems) since your last visit? *


3. Have there been any changes to any regular medication, over the counter remedies or supplements you take since your last visit? *


4. How do you take your prep? *

PrEP Risk and Exposure

5. Have you experienced any new side effects related to your PrEP medication since your last visit? *


6. Have you had any unprotected sex whilst not taking PrEP correctly/as directed? *