Bath Street Active Travel survey


About This Survey

In 2024 Liverpool City Council adopted our Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). The plan set out the ambition to develop a connected and coherent network of high-quality walking and cycling routes across the city. 

The delivery of active travel improvements on Bath Street and Waterloo Road will fulfil an important missing link in the network, connecting the existing cycle facilities on The Strand with the Regent Road cycle lane. This will create a continuous walking, wheeling and cycling link along the waterfront, connecting the new Everton Stadium and Liverpool Waters with the city centre.


This short survey provides a series of questions to get your views about the proposals and how transport infrastructure in the area can be improved.  The survey responses will help us improve the designs and inform decisions about implementing the project.


We want to hear from residents, businesses in the area, commuters that use the route, people working locally and anyone else who has an interest in this scheme.


The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.


The closing date for responses is Monday 24th March 2025


If you have any queries, please contact


What happens to my views?


Information and results will be summarised within a consultation report, individual comments may be included but personal information including names etc. will be excluded from all reporting.


All the information received from this questionnaire will be treated in confidence and is protected under the General Data Protection Regulation (2018).  All individual responses will be treated as fully confidential and non-identifiable. Information will be held securely by Liverpool City Council and their consultants (Mott Macdonald) and will be used solely for the purposes of the work as stated and will be destroyed 12 months after it closes.