This question requires an answer
1. Your Contact Details: *
2. Your Reference Number (This will be under ‘your ref’ on the letter you have received):
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This question requires an answer
4. Please let us know your feedback on the added service charges *
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5. Do you think the description of the charges are clear easy to understand? If no, please let us know what we could do differently. *
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6. Please choose one of the following options that most accurately describes your ethnic group or background. *
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7. What is your first language? *
8. If your first language is not English, do you need additional support in understanding information we send you?
9. Is there anything you think we should be made aware of so we can deliver our services to you? If so, please let us know any vulnerabilities, disabilities, or adaptations below.
This question requires an answer
10. Are you in receipt of Housing Benefit or Universal Credit? *
This question requires an answer
11. Would you like to get involved in any future engagement work around service charges? If yes, we will send you an email with more information. *