#BeKindOnline Pledge for Flintshire Schools
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To take the #BeKindOnline pledge, please tick
boxes below.
We pledge that we will ...
encourage empathy and respect among all our learners, staff and parents
use the Digital Competency Framework effectively for learners to develop the skills needed to contribute positively to the digital world
raise awareness of our school’s Challenging Bullying and Acceptable Use of technologies policies among the whole school community
respond to any complaints of bullying and or harassment in an effective and timely way
monitor and review how bullying / cyberbullying incidents are reported in our school and take action to improve processes and outcomes
The name of your school and contact details:
Phone number
Date of pledge
Privacy Notice
In this form Flintshire County Council asks for some personal information such as name, address, email, etc.
This information will be held securely for the lifetime of #BeKindOnline plus two years and will be used for the purpose of verifying your pledge and keeping a record of school pledges. Where you consent, the information you provide will also be used to keep you updated about #BeKindOnline and offering you further opportunities to voluntarily get involved.
More information on what to expect when Flintshire County Council collects your personal data can be found on the
privacy notice
page of our website.
By ticking this box I consent to the Council capturing and storing the personal details in this form for purposes listed above. I understand that I can request for my details to be removed from your records by emailing bekindonline@flintshire.gov.uk
I consent
I would like to be provided with updates about #BeKindOnline and be offered further opportunities to volunteer to be involved.
The Council may use the name of your school in the promotion of the #BeKindOnline campaign. Please check the boxes below where you consent to the Council using your school name in this way. You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing bekindonline@flintshire.gov.uk
I consent for the school name to be published on the Councils website as part of a list of local schools who have pleged to #BeKindOnline
I consent for the school name to be used in public relation material e.g. social media posts, press releases, online newsletters, the Council's website, posters, leaflets, etc
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