Enhancing sports involvement and physical activity across Portugal


1. What is your age group ? *


2. What is your gender ? *


3. Where do you come from ? *


4. What is your highest level of education ? *


5. What is your current occupation ? *


6. What is your job ? *


7. What is your work occupancy rate ? *


8. What is your approximate monthly salary ? *


9. What are your annual revenues? *


10. Which type of community do you live in Portugal ? *


11. Do you currently engage in any form of physical activity or sports ? *


12. How often do you engage in sports or physical activity ? *


13. In what type of setting do you typically engage in sports or physical activity? *


14. What are your main motives for engaging in sports / physical activity ?


15. Does your motivation to engage in sports / physical activity stem from internal factors (e.g. personal health, enjoyment) or external factors (e.g. weather conditions, social expectations) and what are they ? *


16. Do you not engage in sports / physical activity because of internal factors or external factors and what are they ? *


17. How many hours per week do you have available for sports / physical activities ? *


18. Is cost a limiting factor in engaging in sports / physical activity and why ? *


19. Are there sports facilities or spaces for physical activity accessible around where you live ? *


20. What facilities would you like to have in order to engage in sports / physical activity ?


21. Independently of the facilities and conditions, do you feel motived to engage in sports / physical activities ? *


22. How do you consider your personality ? *


23. Are you concerning about your lifestyle ? *


24. In general, are you satisfied with your work-life balance ? *


25. Is improving health a reason for you to engage in sports / physical activity ? *


26. When engaging in sports / physical activities, do you prefer doing so for social interaction or personal reflection ? *


27. To what extent do cultural or familiar influences impact your engagement in sports / physical activity ?  *


28. Why do you think people in your community do not engage in sports ? *


29. Do you think Portugal has a supportive culture for sports engagement and why ? *


30. Would government or employer-provided incentives motivate you to engage in any physical activity ? *


31. What type of sports facilities would you prefer in your area, if needed ?


32. What initiatives do you believe would help improve sports involvement in your community ?