Annual Safeguarding in Education establishment contacts - Full Contacts Update

1. Safeguarding in Education Team - Contacts Update

Under the requirements laid out in Working Together to Safeguard Children  and the duties and responsibilities for education settings in Keeping Children Safe in Education , we request an updated list of key safeguarding contacts for every school or college.  This enables effective communication and information sharing between education settings and the local authority in order to promote the safety and welfare of children in Bristol. 

This survey is used to collect a full list of contacts on an annual basis. If you wanted to let us know of updates midyear then please use the following survey where the fields are not mandatory.

1. Please choose a setting from the drop-down below

If your setting is not listed please email *


2. Setting telephone number *


3. Head Teacher / Principal
If entering multiple email addresses please separate them with a semi-colon (;) *


4. Head Teacher's / Principal's email address
If entering multiple email addresses please separate them with a semi-colon (;) *


5. Head teacher's /Principal's out of office contact (advised work mobile)

(to be used in the event that statutory agencies such as the Police, City Planning and response team, Social Care and the Emergency Duty Team need to contact you in an emergency). *


6. DSL
If entering multiple email addresses please separate them with a semi-colon (;) *


7. DSL email 
If entering multiple email addresses please separate them with a semi-colon (;) *


8. Designated Safeguarding Lead out of office number - advised work mobile.

(to be used in the event that statutory agencies such as the Police, City Planning and response team, Social Care and the Emergency Duty Team need to contact you in an emergency).


9.   Generic Safeguarding Email


10. Deputy DSL(s)
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


11. Deputy DSL(s) email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


12. Police safeguarding notification contacts
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


13. Police safeguarding notification contacts email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


14. Chair Of Governor (or equivalent)
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


15. Chair of Governors (or equivalent) Email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


16. Family Support Worker
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;)


17. Family Support Worker Email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;)


If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


19. SENDCO Email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


20. PSHE/RSHE Lead
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


21. PSHE/RSHE Lead email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


22. Designated teacher for children in care
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


23. Designated teacher for children in care email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


24. Behaviour / Inclusion Lead 
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


25. Behaviour / Inclusion Lead email
If entering multiple names please separate with a semi-colon (;) *


26. If you commission any additional education provision for students on your roll (i.e. at out of school settings/alternative learning providers) please provide the name of the provider with a key contact name and email address


27. I consent for these contact details to be shared with other settings for the purpose of sharing safeguarding information and promoting children's educational outcomes under statutory guidance (Keeping Children Safe in Education)