Age Friendly North Tyneside

1. Age Friendly North Tyneside



We want North Tyneside to be an age friendly Borough. Age friendly communities are places where age is not a barrier to living well. In order to make North Tyneside age friendly, we first need to understand the views and experiences of residents. The information gathered from this survey will help to make North Tyneside a better place to live.  

The questions in this survey have been split into different sections. Each section relates to an area that impacts on how age friendly a place is. Improvements in these areas have been proven to create an environment that supports people to live well.  The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. To enable us to improve these areas in North Tyneside – we need your views

Information provided by you will be used for the development of an age friendly baseline assessment for the borough, Age UK North Tyneside's strategy,  shaping the next version of North Tyneside's Ageing Well Strategy and to develop plans for future action.   
The information you share will be stored securely and anonymised so that individuals cannot be identified. The views and feedback gathered will be shared with our project partners, only when necessary and the law allows us to do so. A summary report will be published. Survey data will be retained for 6 years from the date of its closure. 


If you have any queries or change your mind about taking part in this survey, please contact Healthwatch North Tyneside on 0191 263 5321 or email us at

If you want any information about the issues raised in this survey, please contact Age UK North Tyneside on 0191 280 8484.


This survey will close 10 August 2024.

1. Please tell us the first part of your postcode