You are being sent this questionnaire because your Practice is part of the national ASSIST-CKD project, the aim of which is earlier identification of people with declining kidney function through laboratory-based graphical surveillance of long-term kidney function trends. Further information on the project can be found here
We would now really appreciate your feedback on this eGFR surveillance system which has been running in XXXXXXXXXX since XXXXXXXXX. There are ten short questions and places to add free text if you wish. The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.
This survey is not about the acute kidney injury (AKI) alerts. Thank you very much.
Dr XXXXXXXXXX Consultant Nephrologist, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX NHS Foundation Trust
This question requires an answer
1. Are you answering this question as: *
This question requires an answer
2. Approximately how many graphs of eGFR over time (see sample below) have you/your Practice received during the last six months?
This question requires an answer
3. Are the the graphs helpful in conveying information on changes in kidney function over time? *
This question requires an answer
4. Do you find the information provided at the bottom of the graphs useful? *
This question requires an answer
5. How clear are you about what to do following receipt of a graph? *
This question requires an answer
6. Following receipt of a graph have you (tick all that apply): *
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7. Would you prefer to receive the eGFR graphs via the post as currently, or electronically? *
This question requires an answer
8. To date, has receiving an eGFR graph(s) influenced your clinical practice or the way in which you have managed your patients? *
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9. Have you ever shown a graph to a patient(s)? *
This question requires an answer
10. On a scale from 0 to 5, where 0 is the least useful and 5 is the most useful, what number would you use to rate the usefulness of the eGFR surveillance system overall? *
This question requires an answer
11. Thinking about your management of patients with kidney disease, have you found that seeing the eGFR graphs: *