Reviewing the guidance for commissioning Alternative Providers

The cohort of pupils in Alternative Provision often have complex needs, it is important that governing bodies and proprietors of these settings are aware of the additional risk of harm that their pupils may be vulnerable to (KCSIE 2021, 157)

Where a school places a pupil with an alternative provision provider, the school continues to be responsible for the safeguarding of that pupil and should be satisfied that the provider meets the needs of the pupil (KSCIE 2021, 309).

Looking through the local guidance document Using AP in Bristol - Advice to Schools and Commissioners - 2019  - Detailed advice and considerations about commissioning and quality assuring alternative provision. (and the checklist on pages 9 & 10) do designated safeguarding leads feel that:


1. Do settings have enough guidance to make effective assessments about an AP setting?


2. Have you routinely make use of the guidance when setting up an AP placement?


3. Have you routinely made use of the guidance when visiting an AP setting?


4. Do you send suitable qualified and experienced members of staff to evaluate APs?


5. Are Designated Safeguarding Leads always consulted/involved when making decisions about suitable safeguarding arrangements for learners placed in AP settings?