A National Voice Awards 2024 - Nominations


1. A National Voice Awards
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The A National Voice Awards champion and recognise the work of children in care councils and care leaver forums in England. We are excited to be hosting the 3rd awards on 30 October 2024. ANV invite nominations for junior children in care councils, children in care councils and care leaver forums and any participation group within Children's Social Care. 

How to Nominate
To nominate, you must first fill out this form providing us with details of the group you are nominating.

Alongside completing this form, we are asking for information about why you are nominating the group to be shared with us in one of two ways.

1) As a PowerPoint (No longer than 4 slides) OR

2) As a video (using the PowerPoint) no longer than 8 minutes (two minutes per slide).


Guidance on how to do this can be found later.

You can only select up to 1 category per form. If you wish to nominate the group for another category you will have to do an additional nomination form. Any more than 2 nominations for a group by the same nominee will be discounted.

If you choose to use the upload function to send the PowerPoint/video of your nomination and this does not work, you can use the email provided to send this to us directly ANV@coramvoice.org.uk

The category descriptions can be found on the next page.

Award Announcements 

Award winners will be announced on 30 October 2024 at the Amplify - ANV National Voices Networking Event. Sign-up details and further information will be available very soon.



Terms and Conditions

We ask that before nominating a group and submitting your PowerPoint or video, that you please read the terms and conditions in order to be compliant with the rules and understand the data protection and confidentiality process.

Read the terms and conditions now.

Entry opens on 5 August 9.00am entry closes on 20 September 12.00pm. Submissions received outside of this time will not be considered.