Kielder Forest Drive June 2019

1. Kielder Forest Drive and The Nick

We'd like to know a bit about your most recent visit to Kielder Forest Drive and The Nick, so that we can keep on improving the visitor experience. All your answers will be anonymous, and will only be seen by the relevant teams at Revitalising Redesdale, Kielder Water & Forest Park Development Trust and Forestry England. Thank you.

1. How often have you visited Kielder Forest Drive in the last twelve months?


2. How did you travel along the Forest Drive on your most recent visit?


3. Which way did you travel along the Forest Drive on your most recent visit?


4. What was the main reason for using the Forest Drive on your most recent visit?


5. If you stopped at The Nick, what did you think about it? Tick all that apply.


6. Did you use a Travelling Tales leaflet while you were on your most recent visit to the Forest Drive?


7. Did the Travelling Tales help you discover more about the Forest Drive and The Nick? Tick all that apply.


8. Did you enjoy travelling along Kielder Forest Drive, the highest and longest Forest Drive in England?


9. On your most recent trip to the Forest Drive, where did you travel from?


10. And finally, we'd like to know a little bit about you. Please tick all that apply.

Use our survey software to make a survey.