Independent Prescribing Commission Application 24/25


Application Form for Independent Prescribing (IP): Funding for Nurses, Advanced Paramedics & Physiotherapists working in Primary Care
For more information, please email
Applications for 2024/2025 


1. Personal information: *


2. Do you hold a substantive contract with a Primary Care organisation - please state how many hours a week *


3. Surrey Training Hub can offer commissioned places at The University of Surrey, The University of Brighton and The University Nottingham (Distance learning), University of Portsmouth. 


4. Employment information *


5. Employer contacts:
When submitting these contact details please note they will be contacted for supporting information and declarations for the application. 
Please make sure your Practice Manager and Supervisors are aware.
Applications can not progress without their support. *


6. Do you have a current professional registration? (NMC, HCPC) *


7. Do you have an up to date DBS check (within last 3 years) *


8. Is there an identified need for an independent prescriber within your practice / PCN. *


9. Have you read the KSS document for Multi-Professional Independent Prescribing in General Practice?

This can be found on the Surrey Training Hub Independent Prescribing page. *


10. Have you already started a Non-Medical Prescribing Programme either funded by Health Education England or self-funded that you did not complete? *


11. Are you currently undertaking any other programme of study?  *


12. At which University would you like to undertake the programme? *


13. Do you meet the recommended prerequisites set out by your professional body and the Training Hub? Nurses *


14. Do you meet the recommended prerequisites set out by your professional body and the Training Hub? AHP's *


15. Why are you planning to undertake the independent prescribing course? *


16. What will be your initial scope of prescribing and why?

Please provide evidence of courses undertaken to support scope of prescribing identified *


17. Please state how by undertaking the NMP Programme your local patient population will benefit?

How will you plan to deliver person centered care?
How will you address equality, diversity and inclusion? *


18. Please state how you plan to provide safe practice and ensure a culture that promotes learning from both incidents and best practice within your team? *


19. Please state how you plan to maintain competence? *


20. How do you plan to audit your prescribing practice? *


21.  Please explain what Multi-professional lifelong learning is and how it can improve patient care? 


How do you plan to contribute to establishing an effective workplace learning culture through relationships, teamwork and leadership? *


22. Trainee Declarations: *