
Thank you for completing this short pre-survey.

Your confidentiality is protected and information that you share will not be personally attributable. By completing this survey, you grant Young Enterprise the permission to use and reuse your anonymous comments in any of its media for marketing and reporting. You can read more about how we use your personal information in our privacy policy at

1. Your school / college name (in full): *


2. Your year group: *


3. Before starting the course, would you personally agree or disagree with the following statements? *

Strongly agreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly disagree
I know about my personal strengths and areas I need to develop
I know about the skills employers are looking for
I know how to showcase my skills to employers
I can listen to what others are saying
I know how to compromise if I don't agree with others
I can generate original ideas using my imagination
I feel confident talking in front of groups of people
I can work with others in generating creative ideas
I know how different departments in a business work together in developing an idea
I understand what is involved in running a business
I can manage my time when doing different tasks
I can create a budget

4. What is your gender? *


5. What is your ethnic group? *

WAIT HERE PLEASE - do not press the 'Next Page' button yet

Thank you for entering your pre-survey responses. Please keep this webpage open. You will be asked to return to this survey page at the end of the session.

When your course lead asks you to, you can click the 'Next Page' button below to complete the post-survey.

If you close this webpage now, you will NOT be able to return to your pre-survey responses, and you would need to begin the post-survey by re-entering your pre-survey responses. Also, please do not refresh this page in case this loses your pre-survey responses.

You can put your phone / device away now until the end of the session. Enjoy the course!