Drummers Survey for Dissertation 351120


1. How long have you been playing the drums?


2. How many times a week do you practice?


3. For how long do you practice at a time?


4. On what equipment do you practice on throughout the week?


5. What genres do you play frequently?


6. Please describe your level of formal musical education


7. How much of your annual income as a percentage would you say you recieve from playing the drums? e.g. via syncs, royalties, paid recordings or live performances?


8. What level of player would you consider yourself to be?


9. What is your age?


10. How many times a week do you exercise?


11. Have you sustained any injuries from practicing and performing the drums, and how often do you sustain them? E.G. sprains, bruises, blisters, pain, cuts, RSI, dystonia, fractures, broken bones, chronic pain...


12. Q12: Have you had to adjust your technique to avoid recurring injuries within the last 2 years?


13. Q13: How have you treated the injuries you sustain from playing the drums?


14. Have these injuries had an impact on your day to day life?


15. How long, on average, does it take you to return to your regular practice/performing routine after sustaining an injury?

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