
Thank you for completing this short pre-survey.

Your confidentiality is protected and information that you share will not be personally attributable. By completing this survey, you grant Young Enterprise the permission to use and reuse your anonymous comments in any of its media for marketing and reporting. You can read more about how we use your personal information in our privacy policy at

1. Your school / college name (in full): *


2. Your year group: *


3. Before starting the course, would you personally agree or disagree with the following statements? *

Strongly agreeAgreeUndecidedDisagreeStrongly disagree
I know about my personal strengths and areas I need to develop
I can set goals and plan next steps to achieve these
I can calculate and balance a realistic cost of living budget
I know about the skills employers are looking for
I am aware of a wide range of job and career options
I know where to find information and advice about career matters
I am able to make informed decisions about my future
I feel confident about entering the world of work (e.g. 'I know I can do this')
I feel inspired about starting a career that motivates and interests me

4. What is your gender? *


5. What is your ethnic group? *