XXXXX Patient Participation Group (PPG)

Registration of Interest to join XXXXXXXX Patient Participation Group

Please note that all information you provide will be treated in confidence
What is the Patient Participation Group?

Every surgery in England has a Patient Participation Group - a "PPG".  It is a group of patients who work in partnership with staff, offering their perspective to improve common understanding and to help identify ways to meet patients’ needs. 

What does being part of the PPG involve?
  • Providing insight into the patient point of view about services, their quality, and their responsiveness
  • Offering ideas, suggestions, and constructive criticism
  • Being a link between the practice and the local community 
It can also involve
  • Finding out about the views of those who use the practice
  • Organising health promotion events 
  • Communicating regularly with the patient population
  • Encouraging people to take greater responsibility for their own and their family's health
The PPG is not a place for complaints, or to air grievances.  We will maintain confidentiality in relation to patients, staff and PPG members. Members should be treated equally and with respect. All views are valid and will be listened to and respected.  

The PPG typically meets 4 times a year - this might be online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams, or in person at the practice.

If you are interested in joining XXXXXX PPG, please complete this form by XXXXX to register your interest.  We strive to have a group that represents the mix of our patient population.  

If you have any questions, please email XXXXXXX
This survey is facilitated by NHS Gloucestershire in partnership with XXXXXXX (insert Organisation/PPG/Practice Name). To find out more about the way NHS Gloucestershire uses your information please click here to visit our website.