Residents satisfaction survey

1. Residents Survey - have your say

How satisfied are you with things in our area? What are your priorities? How can we improve things? Please let me know by completing my Residents Survey...
Thank you, 
Adam Boyden, Somerset Councillor for Frome North (Lib Dem)

1. Firstly, overall how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? (the local area can be the area within 15 – 20 minutes walking distance from your home). *


2. Your local area receives services from Somerset Council, which is responsible for a range of services such as waste and recycling collections, street cleaning, planning, education, social care services and road maintenance.
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with how Somerset Council runs things? *


3. To what extent do you think Somerset Council acts on the concerns of local residents? *


4. Somerset Council provides a number of different services. Some local services and facilities such as parks are also provided by Town and parish councils. Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are overall with the local... *

Very satisfiedFairly satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedFairly dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedDon’t know 
Waste and recycling collection
Street cleaning
Services and support for older people
Services and support for children and young people
Parks and green spaces
Planning services
Environmental health/protection
Public transport
Pavements and footpaths
Cycle routes
Road maintenance
Car parks
Electric vehicle charging
Cemeteries and burials

5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you overall with our area and other local services? ... *

Very satisfiedFairly satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedFairly dissatisfiedVery dissatisfiedDon’t know 
Health, primary care (GP), ambulance and hospital services
Mental health services
Fire and rescue services
Adult education and training
Job opportunities
Social and community facilities
Cultural spaces and facilities
Sports clubs and facilities
Water and sewerage
Energy providers

6. Thinking about your local area, how much of a problem do you think each of the following are…. *

A big problemA problemNot a problemDon’t know/No opinion
Lack of services or facilities (please specify)
Cost of living
Rubbish, flytipping or litter 
Lack of affordable housing, or poor housing conditions
Speeding, traffic, road safety

Noise nuisance (e.g. from road or rail traffic, businesses or neighbours, please specify)

Air pollution, insects or odour nuisance (please specify)
Environmental damage (please specify)

7. Thinking about the environment and climate change, do you want further action to reduce our impact on the environment and climate? *


8. What would you do to improve our area, if anything?


9. Finally, who are you likely to support at the next General Election, in the new Frome & East Somerset constituency?  *


10. Would you like to subscribe to my email newsletters (found on my website, which I email out about once a month. You can unsubscribe at any time. *


11. Thank you for your help! Please leave your contact details if you would like to hear back from me, including the results of the survey. Your responses will be kept confidential. Please see my website for updates.

Thank you,

Adam Boyden, Somerset Councillor for Frome North, email:

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