Link Support Quality Assurance Questionnaire

We regularly review the support we provide to all our service users.  This is important as it enables us to identify any issues and highlight areas of good practice so we can develop and provide the best possible support for people in our services.
We would appreciate it if you could take some time to complete this form and return it by clicking the Finish Survey button at the bottom of the form.   
This survey is anonymous, your identity is not collected using this form however you can add it at the end if you wish.
We fully appreciate your feedback. If you have any questions please feel to contact me.
Thank you very much.
Hannah Zalecki, Service Manager - 01344 488 155

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1. What is your relationship to the person we support? *


2. Were your views taken into consideration in the development of the support plan? *


3. Do you feel the support plan is accurate and fully identifies the wishes, aspirations and support needs? *


4. How do you feel the information we provide in the support plan and hand book is presented? *


5. Do you feel the staff encourage, develop and promote independence? *


6. Are you aware how you can make a complaint, suggestion or compliment about our service provision? *


7. In your experience, Link staff support individuals with: *


8. How would you describe our staff? *


9. Do you feel our staff are sufficiently skilled and experienced to provide support which ensures a good quality of life? *


10. Do you feel staff offer enough support with healthcare needs, for example getting appointments at the GP, to see a nurse or other health care professionals when needed? *


11. Do you feel you have effective communication with the Link office and management team? *


12. How would you describe the overall service and support we provide? *


13. Do you have any other comments or suggestions to help us improve or develop our service?


14. Do you want to add your name to this survey? *

Create your own free online survey.