Bristol Ideal Specialist Award 2023/2024
Welcome to the Healthy Schools’ Bristol Ideal Specialist Award
Bristol Ideal Award
Improving safety and support for pupils, staff and families affected
by domestic abuse and sexual violence

Please be aware that the following document contains sensitive topics like domestic abuse and sexual violence. Please take care of yourself and take time if you need it. If you or someone you know is affected by abuse or violence, current or historic, you can access support services through organisations such as:
  • Next Link (0800 4700 280, open 8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday and 9.30am – 1pm Saturday)
  • SARSAS (0808 801 0456 or 0808 801 0464)
  • The freephone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline (0808 2000 247)
  • Always call 999 in an emergency.
What is the Bristol Ideal Award?
The Bristol Ideal Award is a set of standards for educational provisions to follow to improve their approach to important issues such as domestic abuse, sexual violence, and healthy relationships. The award represents a commitment to safeguarding pupils and staff, with an aim of preventing unhealthy behaviours in the next generation. There is an emphasis on participation, and this version of the award was co-designed with children and young people’s participation groups in Bristol. In addition, we want children and young people to take a leading role in delivering the Bristol Ideal Award in their settings.
How long does it take?
Depending on what practices you already have in place, it may take a few months to one year.  
There is guidance provided throughout. This will help you make sense of what we are asking for and signpost you to helpful documents.  For example, we might ask you to review your learning resources and in this case we have included links to relevant websites. 

At any point, you can email us for help or further guidance on
IMPORTANT: we will only accept online submissions.

Bristol Healthy Schools Essential Award
We want to encourage settings to complete the Essential Award, which focuses on supporting pupils' mental health and wellbeing , healthy school food, and increasing pupils' physical activity. Signing up will also give you access to our newsletter where we can keep you informed of new resources and upcoming training on a variety of topics.

You can sign up by filling out the first page of the Essential Award application on the Healthy Schools website. Otherwise, contact for more information.