Procurement Act 2023 - webinar registration


1. Please enter your first name *


2. Please enter your surname *


3. Please enter your e-mail address *


4. Please provide a contact number *


5. Please provide your company name *


6. What is your job title *


7. Please provide your company DUNS number


8. Please provide your company address - including post code *


9. Is your company a small and medium-sized company - means suppliers
(a) have fewer than 250 staff, and
(b) have a turnover of an amount less than or equal to £44 million, or a balance sheet total of an amount less than or equal to £38 million *


10. How would you rate your overall knowledge of the Procurement Act 2023 *


11. What part(s) of the Procurement Act 2023 would you want the presenters to cover?


12. Please select the date/time for the webinar you want to join.  *


13. GDPR - are you content for us to share your contact details? *