Leading Collaborative Organisations Cohort 4: Application


1. Programme overview


Thank you for your interest in the Leading Collaborative Organisations programme being delivered by the Leadership College for Government. This programme focuses on collaboration in public service through two residential workshops and one online event. Guest speakers, facilitated discussions and experiential activities will highlight the responsibilities and opportunities around collaboration for senior public service leaders.


The Leading Collaborative Organisations programme will be run with two cohorts. Reflecting the different nature of responsibilities and consequent group conversations, we are moving to a new style with two cohorts; one for CEOs and one for Deputy CEOs (or equivalent role titles), each carefully selected to ensure broad cross-public sector representation. You will be asked to select your equivalent level in this registration survey. Both programmes will be run concurrently in each venue with tailored content for each cohort. Cohorts will come together for networking opportunities throughout the programme.


This registration process will take around 10 minutes to complete. 


Key Dates
Residential 1: Edinburgh, 28 - 30 January 2025 

Webinar: 28 February 2025 

10:00-12:00 CEOs (or equivalent) 

13:30-15:30 Deputy CEOs (or equivalent)

Residential 2: Nottingham, 24 - 25 March 2025 


Delegates are expected to attend all events. Exact venue information will be provided once registration has been completed.


The Leadership College for Government covers programme costs, including speakers, venue hire, and food. You will be asked to pay for your accommodation costs to secure your place on the programme. The costs are paid to the venue directly. Assuming you will arrive at the venue the day before the residential begins, the costs are approximately: 

Residential 1: £150 per night for 3 nights TOTAL: £450
Residential 2: £105 per night for 2 nights TOTAL: £210
The overall total cost is approximately: £660


You are welcome to arrive on the morning of the first day of each residential and the costs will be reduced accordingly. 

You are expected to claim back this cost and expenses (including travel) from your employer. If this cost represents a barrier to your attendance, please contact the Leadership College team as bursaries are available. 


Please note that you will receive details of how to pay once we have checked and confirmed your application as successful. 

Cancellation Charges
Running this programme is a significant cost to the public purse. Please note that if you drop out 4 weeks or less before the start of the programme and you are not able to fill your place with another eligible individual then we may need to charge your organisation the full cost of this programme. We estimate this cost to be approximately £6130. You may also be charged a percentage of this figure if you drop out during the programme.


This programme is available to the two most senior tiers of public sector organisations and will run with two cohorts, one for Chief Executives and one for Deputy Chief Executives - or the equivalent job titles in your sector. 

We use CEO and Deputy as a short hand for the scale of your command, to ensure that cohorts are operating in similar environments and facing similar challenges. Typically we refer to pay grades to help us here. In the Civil Service for example, Director or SCS2 level would be a Deputy level in our terms, and Director General comparable to the CEO level in large public sector organisations. If you think this doesn't reflect your particular circumstances, please do reach out to the team to discuss. 

If you have any questions about your eligibility for the programme then please contact us at leadershipcollege@cabinetoffice.gov.uk

The two most senior levels of leaders of the largest public sector and civil service organisations in the UK are eligible to participate in our programmes. This typically includes CEOs (and equivalent level roles) and the second-highest level authority within the organisation, which is usually (though not always) the CEO’s deputy*.

The following is a list of the CEO and deputy CEO level roles which would typically be eligible for our public sector leadership development programmes.

  • CEOs and deputy CEOs in the National Health Service, including NHS Trusts, Ambulance Trusts, and Integrated Care Systems
  • vice-chancellors, and deputy vice-chancellors of universities with over 10,000 students
  • principals and deputy principals or CEOs and deputy CEOs of large further education colleges (turnover of £30m+)
  • CEOs and deputy CEOs of academy chains (25 or more linked schools or 10,000 or more students)
  • CEOs and deputy CEOs of Metropolitan Districts, Unitary Authorities, Combined Authorities, County Councils, or London Borough Councils
  • chief constables and deputy chief constables of police services
  • chief and deputy chief fire officers of fire and rescue services
  • Civil Service Permanent Secretaries, Directors General and Directors (SCS 2, 3 and 4)
  • three and two star military officers
  • CEOs and deputy CEOs of the largest Arms Length Bodies and Regional Transport Authorities (SCS 2, 3 and 4 equivalent level roles)

All applications are non-selective but the LCG reserves the right to ensure that there is a reasonable distribution of different sectors across the organisations attending. Where courses are extremely popular, the LCG will look to repeat them as soon as possible.

*For organisations without a deputy CEO (or equivalent), then we would determine the organisation’s second-in-command role through reviewing the organisation chart, and/or by contacting post holders directly to request further information.


We work closely with your equivalent leadership / representative bodies and the senior leadership of each sector. We will ask them for nominations of leaders who would benefit from these programmes and share who applies. We know you equally take your responsibilities as senior representatives of your sectors seriously and value the opportunity to be recognised in this way and bring your learning and networks back to your sectors.


Privacy Policy
We manage the data you provide in this survey in line with our Privacy Policy.  


Thank you in advance for your participation.