Sustainable Communities Lampeter Resident Survey


 Sustainable Communities

Lampeter Residents’ Survey



Rural Health and Care Wales ( is currently delivering a project called ‘Sustainable Communities’ in Lampeter that is looking to address loneliness and isolation, whilst also supporting local people to remain independent and live in their own homes as long as possible.


We are currently running weekly social mornings in Brondeifi, Lampeter every Wednesday between 10am and 12:30pm that are free to attend – please feel free to call in and invite your friends and family too!


We are now undertaking a survey of local residents to try to find out what their needs are and how we can support them. As such, we would be grateful if you could spend 5 minutes of your time completing this questionnaire (closing date 13th September).


The next step for the project will be to set up a group of volunteers to support individuals in need. Some tasks that the volunteers could get involved with could include helping with shopping, giving lifts to appointments, assisting with light household chores, collecting prescriptions, dog walking, or even just having a friendly chat over tea.


Mari Lewis is the appointed Sustainable Communities Co-ordinator for Lampeter and if you have any questions or wish to speak to Mari, please contact her on 07386 684069 or email


Thank you very much for taking the time to complete the survey – we are looking forward to collaborating with and supporting your community.

1. Do you live in or within 3 miles of Lampeter? *


2. Which of the following applies to you? *


Please confirm your age group *


3. What gender do you identify as? *


Do you have any long-standing physical or mental impairment, illness, or disability? *


4. Number of people living in your property? (including yourself) *


5. Are you involved in any community groups or activities? Please select all that apply: *


6. Do you use any of the following community facilities? Please select all that apply:


7. Do you take part in and/or support any of the following community events?


8. Sustainable Communities will look to provide help and support to local people who require it, so that they are able to live full and active lives in their own homes for as long as possible and socialise / participate in community events. Would you be interested in receiving this type of support from the Sustainable Communities Project? *


9. If you would like support from Sustainable Communities, what type of support would you like to receive? Select all that apply:


10. Would you be interested in participating any of the following community events? Please select all that apply:


11. If you would like further information on the Sustainable Communities project or are interested in receiving support or participating as a volunteer, please include your details below:


If you have any questions or would like to discuss the Sustainable Communities project further, please get in touch with Mari by emailing 


Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!


Sustainable Communities is a project funded by the UK Government powered by the Levelling Up scheme through Cynnal y Cardi, run by Rural Health and Care Wales (Hywel Dda University Health Board, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Powys Teaching Health Board).