The Education Select Committee has recommended that the Department “should consult on the best approach to increasing the regularity of safeguarding inspections through a less intensive compliance audit. In doing so, it should look at whether this should be done by local authorities or by a separate, independent body, and make the case for the appropriate resource to be provided”. In advance of any potential consultation on this, we would like to know whether your school or college regularly undertakes an audit of safeguarding practice and process.
1. How do you undertake a regular quality assurance of safeguarding practice in your school
and college?
How often do you undertake this quality assurance?
What method of quality assurance do you undertake?
Self-assessment/assurance / Audit / Peer review / Governors / Other / N/A
Is the quality assurance undertaken in conjunction with any other organisation School / College / MAT / local authority / outside organisation / other?
2. If your setting undertakes its own quality assurance, please give details of how this works in practice, and details of any tools or external products you may use.
3. Would it be useful for KCSIE to include links to appropriate quality assurance resources?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us on this matter?