Cambridgeshire Libraries - Libraries Week 2021

In October we’ll be celebrating Libraries Week, and we would love to take the opportunity to hear and share some of your thoughts on what the library means to you. Tell us what you value most about your library service and help us to improve what we offer.
Please complete the following survey to let us know your views by 31st October 2021
This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.
Please click "next" below to begin the survey.
Paper copies of the survey are available in our libraries

The information you are providing will assist informing Cambridgeshire County Council in provision of services and will be held in accordance with data protection legislation. Further information about how we collect and use personal data, and your rights around this, can be found at Privacy statement - Cambridgeshire County Council

By completing the survey you confirm you are happy for Cambridgeshire Libraries to use information you have provided in this survey to review and promote the library and our services. We may use your comments anonymously for promotional purposes.


1. Are you a member of Cambridgeshire Libraries?


2. Which Cambridgeshire library/libraries do you use?


3. Tell us about the ages of people in your household- please tick all boxes that apply to you.
Are they:


4. What does your library mean to you?


5. What do you use your library for? (tick all that apply)


6. Which other services and events would you like to see in your library?