Somerset West and Taunton Council Survey


1. Thank you for your willingness to take part in this survey from Somerset West and Taunton Council. We are grateful to you and your views are important to us as we consider economic development issues. We are of course very conscious that this research and the data collected must be manged in line with best practice. We will only keep your personal details for the duration of this study and these will not be seen by anyone other than the specialist consultants advising us, and those individuals within the Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT) who are involved in this study.

If you are happy for your responses to be attributed to you, and for us to contact you with any follow up queries, please provide us with contact details below:-


2. What key assets in SWT do you believe could contribute to development of the district economy?


3. What problems, negatives or barriers constrain economic growth in SWT?


4. What positives, ideas or opportunities could stimulate economic growth in SWT?


5. What's your view of current business support across SWT?


6. What could be done to help businesses in SWT become more innovative or competitive?


7. What sectors and functions do you think are most important to the economy of SWT?


8. How do you believe employment growth can be generated across SWT?


9. Which areas compete with SWT?


10. What have they got or what do they offer that SWT need to be aware of?


11. How effective is inward investment promotion/attraction of new businesses into SWT?


12. How could inward investment promotion/attraction in SWT be improved?


13. What's your view on the availability and appropriateness of development land supply across SWT?


14. What's your view on the availability and appropriateness of business premises across SWT?


15. Please tell us if/how you or your organisation would like to offer further comment, be consulted or get involved to help SWT shape the future of our economy.

Use our survey software to create your survey.