Pratap Partnership CFO Annual Report Research


1. Opportunities & Challenges facing CFOs in the next 12 months
Please highlight any of the following that you see as opportunities for you and your current business this year:


2. The main challenges faced by you and your current business in 2023 - please highlight all that apply:


3. Your own career planning
Which of the following statements most accurately describes your position over the next year?


4. If you were to be interested in another job opportunity, what would be the top 3 most important factors to you?


5. For your next role, which company ownership model would you find the most attractive?


6. The Region
Reason for being based in the East Midlands:


7. Regarding the rapid growth of the East Midlands region, please tick all of the following factors that you believe have contributed?

Use our survey software to create your survey.