Family Centered non-Economic Goals (FCNE) in Private Sectors.


1. Introduction
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Dear Participant,

The purpose of this questionnaire is to examine family centered non-economic goals (FCNE) in the private sector. This research focuses on factors that impacts FCNE goals (reputations, identity linkage and social status) Those element that can impact FCNE are the involvement of family members in the firm, self-enhancement of family members, and generational involvement of family members. 
Most questions are close-ended type, which means that you only need to select the most appropriate answer from your point of view and according to the provided question. At the end of the questionnaire, you will be provided with an option of adding any additional information or comments that you feel appropriate, useful, and representative of your opinion. 
Your participation in the survey is completely voluntary and all of your responses will be kept confidential. The answers shall only be used for the research purpose of my research. The data gathered will be presented in a statistical format, thus an analysis of a particular individual or group will not be possible.

Check out our survey templates or create your own.