Police Funding Consultation 24/2025

1. Police Funding Consultation 2025/26


The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) holds the funding for local policing and is responsible for allocating the police budget and for setting the amount of Council Tax that local residents pay towards the costs of policing - this is known as the police precept.


The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner must consult with local residents as part of the budget-setting process. The following questions are focused on your views in relation to the police budget in Cleveland.

The economic backdrop of 2024 has been challenging, we have seen significant price increases and continue to face cost pressures in 2025. Last year, the decision was made to invest in an additional 40 police officers costing around £2.1 million more.


In addition to this, demands on policing are ever-growing. We have taken significant steps towards managing these demands in 2024 and will continue to do so in 2025.


It currently costs around £197 million per year to provide Policing and Crime services in Cleveland.


Please note, you are not eligible to complete the survey if you are under 18 years old.