Dental Survey BNSSG

1. Introduction


Healthwatch Bristol, Healthwatch South Gloucestershire and Healthwatch North Somerset are working together to understand peoples experiences of access to NHS dental care.


Your answers are recorded anonymously so you won't be identifiable in our report but responses will be included in a public report. 


From this survey we will form recommendations for the healthcare service. 

To read more about how we store information, you can read our privacy policy here:


If you are interested in taking part in a on-to-one conversation with the Healthwatch team concerning your experience, please leave your contact details at the end of the survey.

If you would like the survey in a different format or another language, or have any other communication needs please contact us at


About You - At the end of the survey are some demographic questions about you, these will not be linked to your survey but we would like to make sure we are speaking to as many different people and communities as possible.


This survey will take about 10  minutes to complete. Some questions leave room for comments so you can tell us more about your answer. Please complete this survey by midday on Wednesday 15th January.