Evaluation of specialist learning disability health services across Essex.




Healthwatch Essex is looking to talk to people about their experience with Essex Learning Disability Partnership.


Services offered by ELDP ( Essex Learning Disability Partnership) are specialist for people with learning disability (with or without Autism) and can support physical health and mental health. These include:


•              Nursing

•              Occupational Therapy

•              Speech and Language Therapy

•              Physiotherapy

•              Dietetics (only in North East, West and Mid Essex)

•              Clinical Psychology

•              Psychiatry

•              Mental Health inpatient beds at Lexden and Byron Court

•              Enhanced Support at home (including Behaviour specialists)

•              Forensic treatment- support to stay out of criminal justice system


It is very important that we hear from people who have used these services so we can feedback what is working and what isn't to help improve the service for the future.


Please complete the survey below.


If you would like to talk to us directly then we can arrange a phone/online call. 

Our postal address is:
Healthwatch Essex
49 High Street
Earls Colne


Please contact the Healthwatch Essex Information & Guidance Team on 0300 500 1895 or at info@healthwatchessex.org.uk for further information or to share your story.

We can also send you this survey in Easy Read if required. 


Thank you.