In the last 2 years have you looked for information or guidance about paying for social care or support in Rutland for yourself or for a family member or friend (known as self-funding)? If so, we'd like to hear from you to help understand what is working well and what could be better.
Taking part will take around 4 or 5 minutes of your time.
What do we mean by social care?
Social care supports people who require assistance to live their lives the way they want to. It helps people with day-to-day tasks like washing, dressing, getting in and out of bed, eating, managing medications and keeping them involved and active. Social care can also include supporting people staying in a care home setting.
What do we mean by self-funding?
People who have assets above £23,250 are not entitled to receive local authority help with the cost of their care and support and are often known as 'self-funders'. With assets below the threshold, there is a sliding scale of contributions based on income.
Whether you have looked at what care and support is available but did not progress anything, or went on to arrange care, we are interested in hearing about your experience.
We'll use your survey responses, to help the local authority, Rutland County Council, understand how good or poor you have found existing information and guidance to be. We will publish our findings in a report to the Council and a summary of findings to the public. We do not ask you to identify yourself in the survey and any information you have shared will be anonymous. Please read our privacy statement for more details.