Opportunities to link up with others online | | |
Opportunities for parents and children to learn together | | |
Activities for pleasure and enjoyment | | |
Support for schoolwork | | |
Preparing a CV | | |
Activities targeting children’s mental health | | |
How to complete application forms | | |
Sessions to help you get comfortable with School online platforms e.g. Glow, Teams | | |
Interview skills | | |
Sessions to help you support your children use social media and the web safely | | |
Sessions to help update your existing skills e.g. numeracy, communication | | |
Fun activities you can do as a family | | |
Opportunities to develop your digital skills e.g. Windows 10, internet safety | | |
Ideas to help you get more involved in your children’s play | | |
Sessions to help you get comfortable with social media or apps e.g. zoom, messenger | | |
Projects to bring older and younger members of the community together | | |
Confidence building sessions | | |
Parenting classes | | |
Cooking on a budget | | |
Talks e.g. information about working in care/schools/as a childminder | | |
Examples of useful websites or videos around self-care, keeping mentally and physically fit | | |
Art/craft classes | | |
Activities for health and wellbeing and relaxation | | |
Outdoor activities | | |
Budgeting/money matters courses | | |
Finding out about volunteering activities | | |
Information about what services offer e.g. Mind Your Head, RVS, Voluntary Action Shetland, Health Improvement, Citizens Advice Bureau | | |