We want to hear from parents about their experience of parenting a new baby

1. About this survey

Parent-infant relationship teams are teams with expertise in supporting and strengthening the important bond between babies and their parents/carers. They aim to help parents/carers to develop a relationship with their baby that feels nurturing and comfortable, using research to understand what helps people.  Unlike other teams and services (e.g. that might focus on parent's mental health, activities for babies, or the general health and wellbeing of babies), these teams are specifically focused on improving the relationship and connection between babies and the people who care for them. 


At the moment, there are 45 parent-infant teams across the UK, but there is currently no parent-infant team in Peterborough. We are developing this team – and we would like you to help shape this new service!


To make sure the new team works well for families in Peterborough, we want to understand what parents/carers need, and what you think would help you, as a parent/carer, the most. Your voice matters, and we want to hear your thoughts and experiences to guide this.


Anyone who has become a parent in the last ten years, or is close to someone who has been a parent in that time (e.g. sibling/aunt), can complete this survey. 


1. Where do you live?


2. Which of these options best describes you?


3. Are you answering this question on behalf of:


4. After the birth of your baby, please can you tell us whether you experienced any of the following (please select as many as are relevant): (Note: if you are not a parent, but a relative of someone who has had a baby, please still complete all of these questions about your loved one) 


5. If you, your partner or loved one experienced any of the above, please tell us what support you received (if any) and how helpful it was. 


6. How important do you think the following are for parents who need support with bonding, or building a relationship with, their baby?

Very importantImportantNeither important nor unimportantNot importantDon't know
Early information about signs and symptoms of struggling to bond with your baby (e.g. through health visitors)
Better training for all professionals who see parents of babies, on the importance of parent-infant relationships
Specialist practitioners, to help you one to one with the relationship with your baby
Groups with other parents, to share experiences and have a safe space to be with your babies
Links and signposting to high quality resources, such as advice sheets, videos, apps

7. How do you feel about professionals (e.g. nursery nurses, health visitors, children and family centre workers, GPs), asking you about your relationship with your baby?


8. If you said "uncomfortable", please tell us why.  What would help you to talk to someone, and get the support you need?


9. Is there anything else you think that professionals should know about parents/carers who are struggling to build a relationship with their baby?


10. Thinking about professionals, who would you feel comfortable initially speaking to if you were worried about your relationship with your baby? (Please select as many as are relevant)


11. If you were to receive support for your relationship with your baby, where would you feel most comfortable to meet with a professional?


12. If you had decided you were interested in getting more support, how would you prefer to be contacted?


13. The focus of the new team will be to help and support primary carers (often parents) to developing a nurturing, connected relationship with their baby, using research to tell us what helps people.


We would like the name of this team to be something that parents/carers think will be a good description of the service.


Please rate the following teams names from 1 (I really like this name) to 7 (I really don't like this name):


(Please note, when you select an answer, the answers will move around, so your favourite is at the top, and your least favourite is at the bottom)


14. Is there anything else you think is important for us to know, or think about, when setting up this new team?


15. Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this survey. If you are interested in becoming actively involved in developing this new team, please look out for updates on social media, or put your email address in the comments box, for us to contact you.