Please note, the prize draw for £100 gift voucher is now closed. If you would still like to provide feedback, please do so below.

1. Overall, how satisfied are you with this online service for reporting a notifiable disease? *


2. How would you rate this digital service compared to how you reported a notifiable disease prior to 1st February 2024?

This digital service is… *


3. How much do you agree with the following statements? *

Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree
It was easy to access the service
I had sufficient detail or guidance on every page to feel confident proceeding to the next step, e.g., knowing the disease is notifiable
This service enabled me to efficiently provide the required information to report a notifiable disease
The service name 'Report a Notifiable Disease' accurately describes the purpose of the service
The service was simple to use

4. How could we improve this service?


5. Did you receive assistance or guidance from your local Health Protection team while using this service? *