Employee Commitment Survey

A Brief Employee Motivation Survey


Dear Employee,


It would be greatly appreciated if you could engage in this survey related to an employee motivation, satisfaction and individual needs. Your accurate feedback is genuinely invaluable!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

1. What is your Age bracket? *


2. What option would best describe your preference? *


3. What are some of the important factors to you when looking for a Job? *

1 Strongly Disagree2 Disagree3 Unsure4 Agree5 Strongly Agree
Satisfaction from doing my job
Earning a high salary
Short commute to work
Little to no stress at work
Have a position of authority
Good comradery with colleagues
Flexibility at work
Predictable working schedule
Feeling accomplished at what you do
Exposure to something new or learning new things on the job

4. A great opportunity has presented itself. How likely would you consider your new role offer if it meant -

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly Agree
More flexibility
Higher salary
Less workload and stress
Closer to home
More accomplishment and higher satisfaction

5. Would you agree or disagree, that better opportunities are hard to come by in your line of expertise & industry?

Strongly DisagreeDisagreeUnsureAgreeStrongly Agree
Options are probably limited
Options seem limited but I expect stronger economy in the near future
I feel that there is plenty of jobs in my industry
I feel uncertain about the future of my industry and jobs available

6. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is important to us and we appreciate your honesty and candidness. If you have any additional comments or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us.

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