Access to and experience of general practice for people experiencing domestic abuse

1. Access to and experience of general practice for people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.


Access to and experience of general practice for people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse.


Healthwatch Surrey is seeking people who have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can encompass any incident or pattern of incidents including physical or sexual abuse, violent or threatening behaviour, controlling or coercive behaviour, economic abuse, psychological, emotional and other forms of abuse (adapted from the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 by DA SEEN).  We would appreciate hearing your feedback about getting an appointment to see a healthcare professional at your GP practice and the experience you received once you were able to. 

Healthwatch Surrey champions the voice of local people to shape, improve and get the best from NHS, health and social care services. As an independent statutory body, we have the power to make sure decision makers listen to your feedback.

Responses to this survey are anonymous. The closing date for the survey is 31 March 2025.

For every person who completes a survey, a donation of £5 will be made, up to the value of £200, to the Surrey Domestic Abuse Partnership.

There are 29 questions, and it will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Thank you in advance for your feedback; we hope it will inform future service development.

Before you complete the survey, please follow the link to learn more about the risks of completing a survey online if you have experienced or are experiencing domestic abuse:

Please also be aware that some of the questions may trigger past trauma.  If you need support, you can get help by contacting (run by Your Sanctuary).  Further information can also be found on the Healthy Surrey website: Surrey Against Domestic Abuse

Please consent to us storing and anonymously using your answers by ticking the box in question 1 of this survey.  We will ask you at the end of the survey if you are happy for your comments to be used anonymously. We store your data in accordance with current UK data protection legislation, for more information please see our Privacy statement - Healthwatch Surrey.

You can withdraw or amend your consent at any time by contacting us via:


Phone: 0303 303 0023 

SMS (text only) or WhatsApp: 07592 787533


1. Please consent to us storing and anonymously using your answers by ticking the box below: *


2. Have you ever been asked if you are experiencing domestic abuse by your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice ?


3. If you answered yes to question 2, did you choose to share your experience of domestic abuse at this time?


4. At any point, have you shared your experience of domestic abuse with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice?


5. If you have shared you experience of domestic abuse with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice, please tell us how it made you feel? If not, please leave this answer blank and move onto the next question. 


6. Are any of the following barriers to you sharing your experience of domestic abuse with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice?  Tick as many answers as apply to you.


7. Thinking about the answers you ticked for question 6, what do think would make it easier for you to share your experience of domestic abuse with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice?


8. At what point, from the time you became aware that you were experiencing domestic abuse, did you feel comfortable sharing your experience with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice?


9. Before you shared your domestic abuse experience with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice, how frequently did you attend your GP practice?


10. Do you feel that the reasons you saw your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice in the past were for reasons relating to your domestic abuse?


11. Once you shared your experience of domestic abuse with your GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the response you received?


12. Did a GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice, give you contact details for you to seek specialist help yourself (signposting to independent domestic abuse & violence services) once you shared your domestic abuse experience? 


13. Did a GP, or another member of the team at your GP practice, arrange for you to receive specialist help (referring to independent domestic abuse & violence services) once you shared your domestic abuse experience? 


14. Please tell us what signposting information is available (such as leaflets, stickers on the back of toilet doors, etc) in your GP practice for people experiencing domestic abuse? (if you do not know, just leave this blank).


15. Do you feel the signposting information available in your GP practice for people experiencing domestic abuse is sufficient?


16. If there was one thing you could change about sharing your experience of domestic abuse in the past, or that would enable you to share your experience at some point in the future, with a GP, or another member of the practice team, what would it be? 


17. Please tick this box if you are happy for us to use your anonymised comments as quotes in our publicly available reports and supporting communications. 


18. Please tick the box if you give your consent for Luminus to contact you in the future for further information about your experience by telephone, email, SMS or letter.