Revised clause - iPad offer terms of use

1. Please agree to this revised terms of use clause

We have revised the terms of use for care homes receiving an iPad. 
Please read the revised clause below and confirm your agreement.  You'll also need to provide your care home CQC location ID so that we can identify your care home

Recipient care homes will be responsible for managing all data stored on the iPads, and taking appropriate steps to ensure that the devices are not misused.

NHSX will provide a security and protection guide and this must be followed so that care homes are well prepared to safeguard personal data on the devices. Additionally, to ensure that care homes fully understand the risks if the appropriate security measures are not followed.

NHSX will notify you when this guide is released. *


2. What is your care home CQC location ID?


3. Please confirm your care home CQC location ID

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