Street Trading Policy Update 2024 Survey - Licensing

1. Swindon Borough Council Street Trading Policy 2024


Swindon Borough Council have undertaken a review of its Street Trading policy whereby we have consolidated a number of policy decisions in order to improve regulation, expand on our current processes and bring the management of street trading in line with the national standard. The Council are seeking the views of the trade and the public in relation to the policy changes.

A copy of the proposed street trading policy can be found here.

What you need to know

The Council's Street Trading Policy sets out the framework to provide a decision-making framework for the consideration of applications for street trading consents with Swindon Borough Council’s area.

What we need from you

The consultation commences on 2nd September 2024 and will end on 14th October 2024. We would like you to respond to the survey by answering the questions set.

Key changes include:

  • Revision of conditions upheld by consent holders.
  • Update to decision making process for new consent holders, including consultation with relevant authorities, consideration of representations from the public, application determination and refusals of applications.
  • The requirement to give public notice of applications.
  • Implementation of application requirements into the Policy.
  • Implementation of enforcement into the Policy.
  • Update to the renewal process.
  • Removal of quarterly fees.
  • Introduction of exemptions for Charity/Community run events

Whilst we recognise the trade are key stakeholders in the consultation, views are welcome from anyone interested.

To ensure the Council receives relevant comments in relation to the consultation, responses will only be considered through the completion of this survey.  Some questions are compulsory, that is you have to complete them before you can submit the survey, other questions are optional.  

What Happens Next?
All responses to this survey will be collated wand the information provided will be presented to members of the licensing committee so that they can use it to formulate their decision regarding the policy adoption.

It is expected that the Street Trading Policy will be considered by the Licensing Committee on 3rd December 2024 with an expected implementation date of 1st April 2025.