Afro - Caribbean Recipe book creation


This survey is for renal patients that have indicated their ethnicity as Black African/British/Caribbean on their NHS health records. 

Kidney Kitchen UK is working with some renal dietitians of African and Caribbean heritage/ethnicity to create a kidney friendly recipe magazine which contains top tips on how to eat your cultural dishes. These recipes will look at the amount of potassium, phosphate, protein, salt in dishes and present some ideas on how to reduce these without compromising too much on taste.

We are looking to put together several dishes that the whole family will love and can eat together. We want to make sure the content is what you want, therefore would really appreciate your input to make sure we do not miss the mark.

1. Who does the cooking in your household?


2. Do you, or whoever cooks your meals, currently use a recipe book?


3. Have you changed your diet or cooking habits since being diagnosed with Chronic kidney disease?


4. What traditional high potassium containing meals/dishes have you stopped eating (due to your kidney condition) that you miss and would like to modify and re-introduce? examples: spinach containing dishes (Eforiro) or Kidney bean containing dishes (Rice and peas)


5. If we were to create a free recipe book, would you register for it and use it?


6. We are looking to modify or recommend some dishes that are suitable for patients with kidney disease.
Which of these dishes would you be keen to see modified? (tick as many as apply) 


7. Do you have any dish/meal suggestions that we can share with other renal patients?


8. Are there any dietary tips, specific to African and Caribbean dishes, you have acquired along the way that you think would be beneficial for us to include in this Recipe magazine?