Norfolk Community Safety Partnership and Serious Violence Survey

1. Survey Purpose and Data Protection


Please complete this survey to help us understand the crime and anti-social behaviour issues that impact you as a resident of Norfolk. The results will help the community safety partnership with planning and to understand the impact we are making. It should take around ten minutes to complete.


Safer Streets Fund

The Norfolk OPCC successfully secured over £750,000 for Norfolk to deliver interventions designed to prevent crime. We want to ask you about the crime and anti-social behaviour issues that you feel impact upon you.


If you have been affected by any of these issues and would like support, you can contact:


Serious Violence Duty

In addition, in January 2023 the Home Office launched the Serious Violence Duty. This duty requires a range of organisations to work together to prevent and reduce serious violence. Under the Serious Violence Duty, responsible organisations are required to understand how violence is affecting their communities and as much as it is possible to do, identify the causes of the violence. We would like to ask you to share your views on Norfolk’s Serious Violence Duty strategy as it’s developing.


Data Protection

These surveys will be processed by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Norfolk (OPCCN). Your responses will be anonymous. If any individually identifiable information is provided, the OPCCN will ensure that any publications relating to the survey maintain anonymity. You may withdraw your consent at any time, by closing the survey before completion. Any data provided before completing the survey will not be used in our analysis. The OPCCN complies with data protection legislation, including GDPR, by applying its Data Protection Policy.


The survey will close on 2 August 2024.