Earn £50 Take Part In A Research Interview About Hearing Loss

Earn £50 For Taking Part In A Research Study About Hearing Loss
Payments will be made via PayPal, Bank Transfer or Amazon egift Voucher.

Before many new products (including financial products) are launched designers often show their products to members of the public, so they can hear their opinions, before their products hit the shop shelves or the App Store(s). In order to do this they look for new people who would be willing to share their views in discussion groups or interviews.

Participants are financially rewarded in cash for their time. Our clients will always value your ideas and opinions and your participation in these studies is never publicized.

Are you available on any of the following dates/times?
Please only apply to take part, if you are sure that you will be available.


Do you have any of the following disabilities? *


Do you CARE FOR or SUPPORT someone with any of the following disabilities?


Do you have access to a Laptop or Desktop Computer? *


Do you feel comfortable using a laptop/desktop computer? *


How old are you? *


Where do you live? Please name the nearest city *


1. What is your gender? *


2. What is your email address? *


3. What is your ethnicity? *


4. What is your telephone number? *


5. What is your name? *