Data Collection Survey - Advanced Nurse Practitioner Intellectual Disability Nursing

Dear Colleague,

You are invited to participate in the pilot of a survey designed to identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) in Intellectual Disability.

Significant investment has been made from a professional and organisational context in relation to Advanced Practice in Intellectual Disability Nursing and it is important that the impact and outcomes of this investment are measured. It is envisaged that a small number of standardised KPIs will contribute to ANPs and Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) fulfilling the research and audit requirements of their roles.

This is the first phase of a Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland commissioned project, which will identify KPIs and establish a cohesive approach to data collection and audit of outcome. The second phase of the project will identify and develop KPIs for CNSs Intellectual Disability Nursing.

The Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services Director (ONMSD) and Community, Strategy and Planning HSE, directed a comprehensive examination of the contemporary role of the Registered Nurse in Intellectual Disability. This report “Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland: Supporting people with an intellectual disability to live ordinary lives in ordinary places” (McCarron et al. 2018) provides a blueprint to direct Nursing in Intellectual Disability in Ireland into the future.
A project sub-group was established from the national Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing in Ireland steering group in October 2022 to identify and progress the development of KPIs for ANPs and CNSs Intellectual Disability Nursing.

The project objectives include:
  • The identification of KPIs which are responsive to organisational and national needs
  • To enhance the health and well-being of persons with an intellectual disability
  • To contribute to evidence on the impact of advanced nursing practice roles in Intellectual Disability Services
  • To inform current and future workforce planning, service development and quality improvement initiatives.
The survey has two sections. The first section comprises of demographic questions; the second section relates to the activity/operational data collected in relation to your current work and role in advanced nursing practice. 

Your participation in the pilot is valued and entirely voluntary. Information collected will be used ONLY for the purpose of the project. 

If you have any queries about the survey, please feel free to contact Liz Breslin, Mob: 087 9435500 or Email: or any member of the sub-group.

STF Data Collection Sub-Group Membership

Ms Judy Ryan
Director NMPD Judy Ryan (Chair) Director, NMPD,  HSE SE

Ms Grainne Bourke 
Director of Nursing, Chair Irish Nurse Managers Intellectual Disability Nursing

Ms Michelle Waldron

Mr Maurice Healy
RANP Galway West (BOC)

Ms Liz Breslin
NMPD Officer ADON & Project Lead

Ms Paula Hand
Interim Regional Director
Saint John of God Northeast Community Services, St Mary’s, Drumcar, Dunleer, Co Louth

Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this survey pilot.

Kind regards

Liz Breslin
Nursing and Midwifery Planning and Development Officer/ADON
An Clochar, College Street Ballyshannon