HQN 25th anniversary survey: from now to the next quarter century in housing - boards, councillors, resident board members and executive teams

It’s time for change. In England the government wants to tighten up regulation of safety and quality across social housing.

In Wales new housing legislation comes in from July and further down the line there’s the prospect of a new right to adequate housing including approaches to making homes affordable.

Similarly in Scotland, the right to a decent home is very much part of the agenda via the Housing to 2040 programme. Northern Ireland’s programme includes plans to turn the Housing Executive into a co-op, promoting involvement of residents in the management of their homes.

Why is there so much emphasis on quality and involvement? As the fifth anniversary of the Grenfell fire approaches, it’s partly because we must avoid any repeat of the tragedy. Nor can we  go on having the shocking revelations of disrepair and poor treatment of tenants in England we see on TV.

Landlords will need to work with their tenants – and stick to their part of the bargain. Regulators will hold landlords to account. The proposal for England is to give the regulator wider powers covering repairs, safety, and day to day services to tenants.

HQN was set up 25 years ago to boost standards in social housing. So, we want any changes aimed at improvement to be successful.

Many of you are tired of filling in surveys. We get that. But we hope you will see the point of this one. It’s about getting to grips with the practical changes YOU want to see – both now and for the long term.

Prize draw:

To mark our 25th anniversary we will award two prizes.

First, we’re offering a free place at our virtual annual conference on Tuesday 12 or Thursday 14 July for one lucky winner who completes our survey. First out of the hat wins. And we’ll offer the writer of the best blog of up to 500 words setting out practical ideas for running first class housing services another free virtual annual conference place. We’ll publish the winning entry.

Prize draw: just leave your name and contact address at the bottom of the survey and we’ll put your name in the hat. The draw will be made on 9 June.

Best blog: please send your entry to members@hqnetwork.co.uk by Thursday 16 June.

Survey closing date:
Friday 24 June.

HQN terms of competition