
Consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030

1. Priority 1: Culture brings us together


1. To what extent do you agree this priority should feature in our  priorities for culture in Wales? Please give a rating from 1-5, with 1 being “Completely disagree” and 5 being "Completely agree” 


Ambition 1: Culture is inclusive, accessible and diverse

2. Should we include this ambition as part of our Priorities?


Ambition 2: Cultural democracy and cultural rights are central to culture in Wales

3. Should we include this ambition as part of our Priorities?           


Ambition 3: Culture takes an inclusive and balanced approach to interpreting, commemorating and presenting our past

4. Should we include this ambition as part of our Priorities?           


Ambition 4: Culture is integral to place-making and community well-being

5. Should we include this ambition as part of our Priorities?           


Ambition 5: Culture reflects the needs and aspirations of children and young people, and inspires the next generation of cultural participants and leaders

6. Should we include this ambition as part of our Priorities?           


Ambition 6: Culture strengthens the connection between generations

7. Should we include this ambition as part of our Priorities?           


8. Are there any ambitions missing which could further support this priority?


9. Please use this box to add any further comments you may have regarding Priority 1: Culture brings us together. If you have answered “no” to any question in this section, please explain why here.