BBN Business Survey

1. Annual Business Survey

This is the first of Bourton Business Network's Annual Business Surveys to help understand the economic life of Bourton-on-the-Water. We aim to gauge the issues that matter to local businesses and provide a means of generating representative views that can be used to positively influence the interests of business.

To take part in the survey, please fill in the form below and click Finish Survey. All individual data is treated as strictly confidential and will not be passed on to a third party. A summary report will be produced and shared with respondents.

To find out more about BBN, please click here.

1. Name of your Organisation *


2. Your email address (Providing your email address allows us to communicate the results of this survey with you and contact you regarding future surveys and other BBN activities. We will not share your email with any other organisation.)


3. How many people does your organisation, or Bourton-on-the-Water branch, employ?


4. Which of the following sector(s) describes your organisational activity? *


5. Sales. In your business, excluding seasonal variations, over the past 12 months…

IncreasedRemained ConstantDecreased
UK sales or bookings have…
UK orders or advance bookings…
Export sales or bookings have…
Export orders or advance bookings…

6. Which factors have caused change to your sales performance? *


7. Employment. In your business… *

IncreasedRemained ConstantDecreased
Over the past 12 months, your workforce has…
Over the next 12 months, your workforce is expected to…

8. Which factors have caused change to the number of people you employ? *


9. Have you attempted to recruit people over the past 12 months? *


10. If yes, were they for jobs that were…


11. If you attempted to recruit people, did you experience challenges in finding the right people?


12. If yes, for which of the following categories of people:


13. Cash-flow and Investment. In your business, over the past 12 months… *

IncreasedRemained ConstantDecreased
Cash flow has…
Investment plans for plant, machinery, tech or equipment have…
Investment plans for training and developing your people have…

14. Business Confidence. Over the next 12 months, do you believe your business’s… *

IncreaseRemain the SameDecrease
Turnover will…
Profitability will…

15. Over the next 12 months, do you believe the UK economy will… *


16. Prices & Costs. In your business do you expect the… *

IncreaseRemain the SameDecrease
Costs of your goods or services to…
Prices of your goods or services to…

17. Is your business facing pressure from the following sources (please select all that apply) *


18. Please indicate which economic issues are of concern to your business (please tick all that apply) *


19. Please indicate which general issues are of concern to your business *

Not at all concerningNot so concerningSomewhat concerningVery concerningExtremely concerning
The ongoing growth of Bourton-on-the-Water’s population
The future development of Bourton-on-the-Water in it’s broadest sense
Road infrastructure in and around Bourton-on-the-Water
Public transport in and around Bourton-on-the-Water
The mental health of your people
The physical well-being of your people
Climate change
Environmental issues
The quality and vitality of village life for the local community (in order to attract and retain your people)
The quality and choice of food & drink options for local residents in the evening
The breadth of activities and amenities for the young people of the community

20. You may be aware of plans to cease permission for coaches to park in the Station Road Car Park by the end of 2022. What kind of impact on your business do you anticipate if no alternative coach parking provision is found.


21. If you perceive a negative impact on your business of the plan to cease coach parking in the Station Road car park, which of the following options do you most favour?


22. You are hopefully aware of the Information Centre for visitors and residents in Victoria Street in the village centre. How desirable is it for your business that there is a physical source of expertise and knowledge providing a go-to hub for information in Bourton?


23. Do you have any further comments you would like to make, or thoughts on your participation in Bourton Business Network?