What will my participation involve?
If you meet the inclusion criteria and decide to participate, you will be invited to complete an online questionnaire pack which will involve you responding to a series of questions which will ask about your beliefs about emotions, strategies you may or may not use to manage your emotions, and indicators of your mental health (including stress, depression, anxiety, and vitality). We will also ask some demographic questions about you (e.g., your age, gender, ethnicity, and information about your sport such as number of hours you train and how long you have taken part in it) which helps us to know our sample. This questionnaire pack should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.
Although some people may consider some questions in the questionnaire pack to be of a sensitive nature (e.g., assessing how stressed you have been feeling), questionnaires completed are no more demanding than questions and activities experienced in daily living and you are free to not answer any question you find distressing or do not wish to answer. If you require any additional support with some of the issues linked to mental health in this study, appropriate contact details are provided at the bottom of this information sheet.
Do I have to take part?
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Please note that the decision of whether or not you decide to participate will have no impact on the relationship you have with any University of Birmingham staff members or how you are treated by any of the research team. If you are a university of Birmingham student, your decision will also not influence your academic progression. You may also withdraw at any time up to two weeks after you complete the questionnaire pack without having to give us an explanation or any negative consequences. If you choose to withdraw from the study, please contact us (contact details at the end of this information sheet) to inform us of your decision. You do not need to give any reason for this, participation is not compulsory. If you decide to withdraw during the aforementioned withdrawal period, your data will be destroyed and not included in the data analyses. Please be aware that we cannot remove your data from the study after this 2-week time frame as after this, your data will not be identifiable to withdraw.