Your views on 20mph in towns and villages

We’re asking for your thoughts and opinions from Orkney residents regarding amending some existing 30mph speed limits to 20mph, as assessed against national Scottish Government criteria and mapped out at  This will then form the basis of a report to Councillors to help them determine whether to proceed with any of these changes. 

It’s important to note this engagement is matched to the scope of the funding, which is targeted at reducing existing 30mph areas to 20mph. 

We’re also not tied to an ‘all or nothing’ blanket approach for Orkney – so if there is widespread support in one area or specific road and not another, this will be fed back to Councillors on the Committee to consider case by case.  So please feel free to add any comments or concerns about a specific road in the comments box at the end of the survey.


1. What is your age group?


2. What is your postcode? *


3. Which proposed 20mph area are you commenting on? *


4. For the area you have selected, do you agree with the proposal to reduce the current 30 mph speed limit to 20 mph?  *


5. Do you walk, wheel or cycle in the areas selected?  *


Rank your agreement with the following statements:

6. Vehicles drive too fast within the selected area  *


7. You feel safe when walking, wheeling or cycling within the selected area *


8. You feel safe when crossing the road within the selected area *


9. 20mphs will make it easier and safer for you to walk, wheel, or cycle in the selected area *


10. Are there any changes to the proposed areas that you would like to see implemented? For example, any particular roads which should remain 30mph?