About this survey
We are continuing our work to make the apprenticeship funding rules clearer, easier to use, and to learn more about the users. We will add your insight to the user feedback we have already gathered.
Your participation in our research is entirely voluntary.
1. What type of organisation do you represent?
2. Does your organisation currently pay the apprenticeship levy?
3. What is the best description of your role at the organisation you work for?
4. How many apprentice starts have you supported over the last 12 months?
5. How many times have you consulted the funding rules in the past twelve months?
6. Which format of the funding rules did you access today?
7. Did you use a flow chart in the funding rules today?
This question requires an answer
8. If you used a flow chart today, did it help you find the information you were looking for?
9. Did you find what you were looking for in the funding rules today?
10. Did you understand what you read in the funding rules today?
11. Have you accessed the funding rules before 15 March 2019?
12. Which format of the funding rules do you prefer?
13. Do you have any other suggestions for how we could improve your experience of using the Apprenticeship funding rules?
14. If you are happy to be contacted by a researcher about any of your answers in this survey, or be considered for any research projects and help us make our service a better fit for everyone, please add your details below. You can request to have your details removed from our database at any time.