Capacity's 20 Top Telco Vendors 2024

Capacity is proud to unveil its inaugural power list celebrating the top vendors from across the wider telecoms and ICT ecosystem.

Please note: for the purposes of this power list, Capacity defines a telecoms vendor as a commercial supplier of software or hardware.
Company Details

1. Company name: *


2. Company address: *


3. Zip code/ postcode: *


4.  Country:  *


5. Main telephone/ switchboard number (include international dialing code): *


6. Website: *


7. I confirm that I am authorised to nominate on behalf of the above mentioned company *


8. I confirm I have consent from the company to share the data included in this submission *


Why should this company be considered for Capacity's 20 Top Telco Vendors 2024?

This should NOT be promotional or marketing text but factors that illustrate why this company should be included in our list through its work and offerings. It should focus, in complete sentences, on the company's key market differentiators, most recent milestones and real-life success stories over the past 12 months. With clear examples of how they are driving innovation. (300 words max)